OAaSIS creative club in Jamaica schools need art material

The Ministry Of Education is setting up curriculum to have art formally taught in primary schools.
However due to financial challenges in providing teachers for the sole purpose of art education, not many teachers can be contracted to teach art.
The OAaSIS International Foundation has embarked on a project through a creative club to support and ensure the proper exposure of art in the foundation level schools. Starting with Allman Town Primary we have begun a creative club.
Totally volunteer.. but we need material. So please do not hesitate to sign up today as member or volunteer or associate and donate something today.
See full list http://oaasisinternational.org/projects/needs and deliver either to Allman Town Primary or the OAaSIS Int Foundation collection location at 43A East Queen Street

LIST includes:
cellophane paper
construction paper

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... refers to representatives of the OAaSIS International Foundation contributing on its activities and involvements on this site. Views expressed may not necessarily represent those of the owner of this site, but published in the interest of the wider public. OAaSIS Fdn exists to empower the creative mind of youths, esp Jamaicans. Link UP here

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