QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
I am living in the U.S. I would like to find out the legal description of a property located in Kingston. I have the physical address but need the legal description so I can fill out a Quit Claim Deed to turn over the property to my ex-husband who is still living in Jamaica. He doesn’t have the legal description available. Is there a special Quit Claim Deed exclusively for Jamaica?
I would very much appreciate a reply as soon as possible and any assistance you can offer. Thank you.
The title contains the legal description. On the website of the National Land Agency are the official forms to use regarding property. The transfer form is the one that will assist you. However if you are not legally trained, please rely on the services of an attorney, or someone otherwise trained to assist.
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Where can I get a quitclaim form for Jamaica? any online
@ PATRICIA, 2019/12/11 at 11:26 am: You can now access Quit Claim forms online through this website. They can be downloaded and used free for personal use. Otherwise, a fee may be applicable to send same to you.