Webmasters Make $$$ DEAR EDITOR: I am responding to two letters in The Gleaner (December 1, 2012), one from Marcus Blackstock, and the other from Malcolm McDonald. To Mr Blackstock, I say: In the United States, flogging a child is an assault on a minor and can land the parent in jail and the child in the care of the State. I won’t argue that the US is a paragon of societal virtue, but I seriously doubt that lack of flogging is the cause of its problems. I happen to…
Read MoreCategory: Letters From Readers
Letters from readers of www.antheamcgibbon.com submitted to the site’s Editor
Honour Ezroy Millwood, pay NTCS
Poor Ezroy Millwood fought tirelessly for the rights of poor bus operators whose contracts were prematurely ended … honour him please
Read MoreLETTER: Preachers hold passengers hostage on Jamaica buses
Why the fight against homos and the buggery law in Jamaica?
Keep our children off illegal buses in Jamaica please
Could it be déjà vu Jamaica Prime Mininster Portia?
It could never be the same Jamaica Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller pleading for unity and yearning for cooperation and goodwill of the Opposition
Read MoreNo bus gospel.. remove lewd music on on Jamaica buses too!
…the same rules should be applied to lewd/derogatory music played by other passengers in the bus. This, too, is disturbing not only to Christians but…
Read MoreThe right to be gay and Jamaica
Being gay… Webmasters Click & Make Big $$$ Dear Editor, There has been much mention of gay rights and gay relationships, and it seems a worldwide trend that gays, lesbians and bisexuals are all striving for human rights, legal rights and social recognition. Most popular are the gay rights – to be married, living together as a normal couple and often adopting children. It is a question that is prominent in the minds of all people, and Jamaicans have to consider whether this is possible in Jamaica. The gay community…
Read MorePlease say more about C-SEC English A!
Out of many, one H-sexual country?
Professor Carolyn Cooper argues that our motto “marginalises the nation’s black majority by asserting that the idealised…”.
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