LETTER: Come AGAIN Christians!

Webmasters Make $$$ DEAR EDITOR: I am responding to two letters in The Gleaner (December 1, 2012), one from Marcus Blackstock, and the other from Malcolm McDonald. To Mr Blackstock, I say: In the United States, flogging a child is an assault on a minor and can land the parent in jail and the child in the care of the State. I won’t argue that the US is a paragon of societal virtue, but I seriously doubt that lack of flogging is the cause of its problems. I happen to…

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The right to be gay and Jamaica

Being gay… Webmasters Click & Make Big $$$ Dear Editor, There has been much mention of gay rights and gay relationships, and it seems a worldwide trend that gays, lesbians and bisexuals are all striving for human rights, legal rights and social recognition. Most popular are the gay rights – to be married, living together as a normal couple and often adopting children. It is a question that is prominent in the minds of all people, and Jamaicans have to consider whether this is possible in Jamaica. The gay community…

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