QUESTION: Hi, I’m hoping you can assist me. I’m having problems trying to conceive. I have been trying for almost five years. I was browsing the internet recently without this on my mind and it lead me to your website. I think I have one tube blocked. Maybe both are blocked by now and I also have cysts near or on my ovaries and they can be extremely painful. I’m depressed. My husband and I hope to have a child soon but I’m afraid I wont be able to give him one. Need help! Depressed!
RESPONSE: Dear Lori,
Please say whether your issue has been addressed!
There are stages you need to take. Did you see a doctor and find out whether or not you are intact, or would you love to try our herbs first.
You will of course need to cleanse your system, before you begin relying on the natural herbs as elements such as diet of too much sugar can affect you negatively.
Please reply and let us know if you wish to continue with us. You of course will need to tell us if:
you just need the herbs
you need consultation
you want a preparation from us
Jamaica Herbalist
Author Profile
- .... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here
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