Jamaican cinnamon brought to the island in 1782 by Admiral Rodney, has uses beyond spices, although the tree is usually confused with pimento trees by the virgin eye.
Almost all parts of the tree is used for specific treatments such as upset stomach and diabetes. It’s best if its had in its natural form and applied daily.
The twigs and leaves are ground into powder which is common in Jamaica as a spice in baking or even sprinkled on foods such as ice cream, porridges, even a glass of milk for natural flavouring.
Boiling water poured on to them makes a drink which may also be taken on corn meal porridge. It is said to be good for the stomach. It is thought to have been introduced into Jamaica in 1782 by Admiral Rodney.
Pour boiling water on either the twigs of leaves and allow to stand. Set the liquid to cool and refrigerate. Enjoy a daily glass or two when thirsty. Of course if you must sweeten, please use honey.
When you have a crazy flu virus: For purging the bronchial system, cinnamon leaves are boiled with cayenne peppers, tumeric and guinea hen weed.
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- .... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here
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