Getting Jamaican guinea hen weed to the United States

Dear Jamaica Herbalist,
I live in the US. In doing research on the web, I came across your website. This is the situation-my sister Jenifer, 51 was diagnosed with stage 4/5 breast cancer. The cancer has spread throughout her entire body-including a tumor thats between her sinus and her brain. The doctors sent her home, after they felt they could do no more. Then a holistic doctor gave her a strict diet of veggies, fruits and juices to go on. A Jamaican friend mentioned that guinea hen weed, sour sop and bitterwood is a combined recipe that can destroy cancer. Please advise where I can find these Jamaican weeds/bushes. Also, please advise if you ship these to the States and how fast I can get them. Thanks.
Juliet Grayson
SUBMITTED: November 16, 2011 via email contact!

Dear Juliet Grayson,
So far can be had in Jamaica in their natural form.

However, the options you have are:
1. Secure the weed/bushes through someone coming to the US on your behalf, who can make purchase from a member of the Jamaica Herbalist team
2. Secure byproducts of the guinea hen weed, such as the capsules through a member of the Jamaican Herbalist team which can be FEDEXed to you at your expense. The capsules are sold in bottles (90 in each) and the cost per bottle is approximately J$3,000. There is a processing fee.
3. You also can order herbs to be sent to you, but realise your fees will include purchase (inc quarantine) + fedex charge. You must pay duties and taxes at custom on arrival in your country.

Jamaica Herbalist

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.... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here

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