Police misconduct at Sutton Street Court?

——————-Get hooked on this site by Anthea McGibbon——————-

I have occasion to visit the Parish Court at Sutton Street at least three times a week. On each occasion for the past two years at least, a particular police officer makes it her duty to warn persons against me, and follow up a conversation with everyone said corporal sees me talking to. This corporal goes as far as to ‘weaponises’ rules against me on occasion especially when I need to enter the courtroom.
Recently I was sitting on the bench doing up some documents and a police constable came up to me to warn me to leave that corporal alone. The craziest thing is that this constable then told me that said police corporal was planning to lock me up for Dropping words against said corporal. I was going to react, but just said “Hope you can repeat same threat and verify when contacted by IPROB.”
It is my belief that said corporal is misusing her position as an officer to relieve personal grievances for facing disciplinary measures by Inspectorate and Professional Standards Oversight Bureau before for actions towards me.

Dear ADAM,

The duties of the police personnel are primarily to keep the peace , to ensure civil behaviour by citizens. It therefore is strange that police are dealing with you in a seemingly uncivilised manner on the premises of the Civil Court at Sutton Street. They however also can act on suspicions, although there are guidelines for doing this.

You have the option to revisit Inspectorate and Professional Standards Oversight Bureau on Duke Street. However best thing is to ignore this corporal who is a human just as you are. Ensure you yourself remains on the straight and narrow. Usually police officers with a ‘chip on their shoulder’ for an individual will stop at nothing to provoke their targeted person into wrathful reaction. Then this reaction is usually used as a basis to take police action against the individual. So ignore and where possible AVOID. Dont be vulnerable by being in a space with said corporal alone ever.


Remember real power does not come from rules or status or letting others feel small, but from knowing who you are and refusing to let anyone take that from you.

Legal Wiz


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