First 10 ways and counting to fix Jamaica

When travelling worldwide, Some Jamaicans get an appreciation for their homeland, while others simply want to scamper and keep on running. Interesting enough whenever Jamaicans become felons overseas, the Jamaican government welcomes them as deportees. Locally politicians vie for the lead in the polls for their party to ultimately be at the helm of government.

Regardless of which side of the fence you are on truth is where your navel string is cut, should be your best haven to rest as a Jamaican. It should pique your concern that while too many Jamaicans run, even more in number are the foreign nationals who lie in wait anxiously to take over.

Here’s a list of suggestions towards improving our nation to making it perfect.

1. Train all Jamaicans in customer service
2. Bring back Civil in schools
3. Outline the duties of police officers at courts example civil court for both civilians and police and monitor same closely
4. Ensure all Jamaicans can swim – making learning to swim compulsory for everyone found on the island
5. Do what it takes to give Jamaicans opportunity to travel esp to first world countries
6. Bond persons who get scholarships to study abroad with contracts to ensure they contribute at least five years to nation building on graduation
7. Put deportees to work by a special work programme such as to fix roads and farming
8. Better monitoring of lawyer-client relationships and laws governing same
9. Better policing of police-civilian relationships although with IPROB this is improving
10. Better arrangements for witnesses

Keep connected to this site of Anthea McGibbon for more……..

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