Why cant teachers recycle markers, ink?

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AS A young educator, I often wonder how much money is spent yearly on white-board markers. I even asked a co-worker why is it that we cannot reuse the shell of these markers and have the ink injected into them?

It is arguable that this is a minor issue; but has anyone ever stop to think how much plastic would be prevented from being lodged into the already ailing environment should educators be given the ink to refill these marker shells?

Our environment beckons urgently that it is high time for all Jamaicans to think green, live green and go green. We don’t have to start at trimming billions, we can start by saving a couple thousands of dollars in each school. After all, ‘every mickle make a muckle.’

Let us as educators and partners of education kick-start this recycling campaign. Our children and grand-children will be extremely pleased that we did.

S. Green

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