Irie Season’s Greetings for all Jamaicans born, bred, or…

SEASON’S BEST:: To all who are Jamaican.. born, bred, adopted.

SERIOUSLY>> I aint gonna do over 3,000 greeting cards.. its not electronically possible.. not without some gadget.. so HEY.. you know ah love ya else you just would not be reading this as a friend, connection, loyal reader right now.. Though we have each had to trod busy pathways, caught up in balancing and making ends meet and I hope extending a hand in some form of charity to see Jamaica grow in beauty and prosperity, .. we ve been friends for like at least the 3 years I’ve been on this site.. Its been grand with all the poking, joking, debates, eye openers and yea papparassies here and there.. So now.. mek sure you do what you must to enjoy the season… and I start you off with warmest wishes for PEACE, JOY, HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY straight into at least the next tenteen years… Don’t let negative people kill your joy, blur your vision, block your fame and fortune, stifle your dreams, hopes, aspiration NOR Prayers.. dont break your bond with the Creator — He’s for real, tried, tested, questioned and proven sure.. no matter who says what.. LETS UNITE AS and FOR JAMAICA.. Get creative, be critical in your thinking .. Let your actions BE POSITIVELY PERSISTENT, BOLD, Jamaicanly outspoken.. Ahh !

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... qualified & experienced in journalism, creative writing, editing, the arts, art critique, paralegal, photography, teaching, research, event planning, motivational speaking, workshops for children and adults, visual arts etc. Click here for contact form. ...or email me here

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