QUESTION: Dear Herbalist,
Good Morning:
Hope you will be able to help? My niece has very, very serious sinus problems, what herb etc. could you recommend?
Thanking you in advance.
(name changed for protection)
Dear Marsha,First of all you need to reduce the intake of dairy products as well as oranges.
There are a variety of bush that are helpful. When in Jamaica, ask for the manuka bush. Take a lot of garlic as either tea or slightly roasted and beaten which can further be eaten with bread. Be sure to cook with garlic everytime.
NOTE: Stay connected to the post for more from our herbalist Stoneman specialising in Herbology.
All the best
Medicinal plants of Jamaica
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- .... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here
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The guinea hen weed is tops in assisting you with any and all sinus problems. Just rub a handful in your hands and have her smell it. Give her more garlic in her food and if she can tolerate the burn of cayenne pepper, cook with that also. We also have a pepper in Jamaica called ‘dog pepper’ which is good.
The ‘Jack in the bush’ is also good. Rub some between your fingers or in your hand middle and inhale it for cure. This is from the mouth of Ras Ken, another herbalist. You can meet or speak further with either men. Now according to Ras Ken, you can also put the Jack in the bush in a piece of cloth, and a little water, then beat it. After beating it, you then add salt, strain and drink. This is also good for colds and flu.
REMEMBER for the guinea hen weed, rubbing the root and inhaling it is good for the sinusitis.
The ‘pepper elder’ bush sometimes referred as the dog pepper bush.