Note to self: “Make sure to never allow yourself to get dragged into a battle of Witt’s with a fellow Child of God on a social media. It won’t end pretty.”
I am learning that everyone has motives, and sometimes those motives become clear in time. Remember, the scripture says,”Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Let us encourage one another in love. Being mindful that love is not proud. Be mindful never to be under the false pretense that you know everything. We will never know all, but we should pray for a teachable spirit. The word says the meek shall inherit the earth.
If you ever need a listening ear, I am here for you. If you ever need me to pray for you, I am here for you. Just keep me in prayer that I will not grow weary of doing good towards my fellow man. I have learned in my years, that good is not looking for perfect people, but willing people.
Loose their cool
We need to be willing to change from our wicked ways and embrace His love and self-control. I become very weary of those who claim to know God yet loose their cool with no remorse (RED FLAG). Always, pray before you speak to avoid turning people away from God. I think that is the worst thing a self proclaimed Christian could, is push new believers away from God, through their arrogance. In fact, it would be best if they didn’t proclaim to be Christians in the first place. “Have a form of godliness, but lacking the power there of.” Just continue to be strong in the Lord my friend, and pray for me, as I pray for you.
Author Profile
Drew L. Hinds, Jr. is a driven young man of Jamaican decent, whose inner being radiates passion and a deep level of insight. Drew operates as mentor, a songwriter, vocalist, freelance photographer, self-taught pianist. As an author he self published his debut book Don’t Spoil Your Appetite, Volume 1, Good Man For Sale ( a guide to women) ). He is also the editor, graphic designer and co-founder of Desk Ink Publishing. For his books, link up at
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