Today the public is invited to join in the “Jonkunoo Saturday” Road March and Party. It is being put on by The Institute of Creative Training & Development and 24/7 Productions Ltd, in association with the CHASE Fund. Jonkunoo is a Christmastide tradition that taps into our African spiritual roots through combination of costume, music, and dance. This tradition dates back to hundreds of years, and was widely indulged in by the enslaved as a part of their principal holiday celebrations. March time is at 3:00 p.m. and will journey…
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Jamaica Opposition Mark Golding 2022 Heroes Day address
Indeed, the legacies of our only National Heroine and our six National Heroes are deserving of such recognition, for their outstanding courage, sacrifice and service provided us with an inspirational foundation …
Read MoreJamaica Stock Exchange is for all Jamaicans!
List of Digicel Rising Star winners up to 2022
ARE JAMAICANS prepared for artificial intelligence?
One perspective on artificial intelligence is that it is here to replace mankind. Interesting that artificial intelligence which began with mankind will now replace its Creator
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I almost hated the Jamaica court system, Marlene Mahoo Forte
I still remember the day Marlene Forte as a Judge ruled against me at the Parish Court simply because according to her she never believed me. Adding injury to fury her note taking was poor – her records did not reflect what I actually told her. Afterwards, I failed at representing myself well at the Appeal simply because I was under prepared for that level and I relied on an attorney who because of my inability to pay him just didnt show. I never got wind of her actual notes.…
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