Read MoreAuthor: jamaicaherbalist
Save a life with guinea hen weed (garlic weed)
My skin itches a lot.. Help!!
Promote healthy eating habits among children .. eat more natural foods, save more on medical bills Hello Jamaica Herbalist, I am sick of all this itching skin John RESPONSE: Dear John, Try eating less sugar. In fact ever so often have an aloe blend. Or simply add more neem to your diet. Also visit the doctor for a diabetes check up. Jamaica Herbalist EDITOR’S NOTES This column is serviced by Jamaica Herbalists and based on research. This does not constitute professional medical advice.
Read MorePrevent Zika virus, aka Zik-V in Jamaica
… other plants such as mints, eucalyptus and jasmine that you could use around the yard as mosquitoes hate aroma from them.
Even Vicks rubbed lightly ..
The power NEEM leaves for bleeding gums
I need to unblock my tubes in Jamaica
Prevent pesky mosquitoes and Zika virus
Curing HIV with Jamaican herbs
QUESTION: Dear Jamaican Herbalist, I have looked at the website, not able to see reviews on cure for HIV. Are you a Dr or just an individual giving out herbal remedies to people to cure HIV? Could you send me information on the process on how this is done. Looking forwards for your reply Regards An Dear An, Please note that none of the members of the herbalist team are actual medical doctors. The Herbalists perform base on research and results combined with experience. The answers are being posted after…
Read MoreI need a herb cleanse of my body
QUESTION: Dear Jamaican Herbalist, imbalance hormones – Hi! I was taking minigynon from I was 17 and I was a virgin and I stop two years now and I want to get pregnant and I don’t know what I should take to cleanse my body so I can get pregnant. Could u please help me?? Virgin Dear Virgin, Information on the body cleanser is posted on this site. Otherwise you will have to order it from the herbalist Jamaica Herbalist EDITOR’S NOTES: This column is based on research and does…
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