ART CAREER: Do you have what it takes?

Do you think you have what it takes for a career in art? As a hobby art is fun, but a professional in a competitive environment has to be ‘a cut above’ the rest, and you will need to develop real, marketable skills. Creative careers can be challenging and rewarding. Remember that as well as being an ‘artist’, there are other creative, and sometimes lucrative, avenues to explore. Here are a few points to consider and discuss with your career counsellor. More at THIS LINK

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Art Basel 2011 at Gallery Art, Florida

This years event .is the fifth annual… slated for November 28, 2011 … is hosted by Jawan Strader of CBS4 news, with special guest speakers FATHER ALBERT CUTIE and RABBI SHMULEY BOTEACH. On Exhibit will be: ANDY WARHOL JIM DINE KEITH HARING PETER MAX TOM WESSELMANN DAMIEN HIRST ROBERT LONGO ROY LICHTENSTEIN ROMERO BRITTO SALVADOR DALI YAACOV AGAM ROMAIN ETRE ALEXANDER CALDER BURTON MORRIS and many more! There will be complimentary Cocktails & Hors D’oeuvres RSVP: 305.932.6166

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