On the shirts are the original design of the painter, printmaker, etcher and sculptor with the words “One God, One Aim, One Destiny – Marcus Garvey.”
Read MoreCategory: Jamaica Art Scope
Updates on Jamaica’s art scene – artists, their work, etc
Show off your photos online, why not?
Cincopa offers the opportunity for to anyone with access to the html coding of their site, to change gallery or album sizes, adding much flair to the photos or images they display online.
Read MoreColour your brand just right says Gail Lewis
Jamaican-born Gail Lewis, Executive Director at Gail’s Graphic Designs wrote an article to business owners about finding the right colour for your brand. The article was inspired by President Obama’s first State of the Union address.
Read MoreAndre Morris bares “Raw Soul” through Arts
‘Come See My Etching’ in Harmony
Adding his strokes to relieving Haitians, Andy Jefferson will exhibit his ecthings at Harmony Hall to garner well needed funds. The British-born artist, who has been living and working in Jamaica since 1981
Read MoreOpening of Pottery Exhibition at CPTC to celebrate anniversary
Berl Francis felt is was a great honour to address the opening of the recently held exhibition “Potters Clay” at CPTC last Thursday, February 18. Especially as she was to fill the shoes of the late Professor Rex Nettleford who passed away.
Read MoreJamaican Art at the World Trade Fair, China
Jamaican Artists will be participating in the World Expo in Shanghai, China for six months beginning in May 2010.
Read MoreTerrence Harold ups OAaSIS Farenheit as patron
As a singer, musician, actor, dancer, graphic artist, writer, OAaSIS patron #2 Farenheit believes that in children being exposed to the Arts from the Heart.
Read MoreA few thoughts about Anthea McGibbon artworks for students
Anthea McGibbon answers questions about works of art she actually has produced to students for their research papers.
Read MoreMore force for Anthea McGibbon to promote arts and culture of Jamaica
After only a year, new persons joined Anthea McGibbon to promote the culture and creative industry of Jamaica, while maintaining their individual professions.
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