I am a normal, healthy teen who love music. I am over six feet tall so I cannot escape playing basketball. I someday want to be a lawyer, but for now I’ll explore a few fields and write about my cruising across Kingston and more…
I hardly ever travel outside Kingston. Someday, somehow I’ll be traveling more at least to the Jamaican countryside, but for now there is just so much to write about in Kingston alone. As a Jamaican teenager, I have already observed so much, and learnt a lot more.
In the end, I would love to be a lawyer, and I would love to at least try some other careers. Journalism is one of them. I am after all fascinated by the business of writing, reporting — EXPRESSION.
Daily as I make my way to school and back home, a few stops in between, I find myself going through many emotions – most timers laughing on how dramatic humans can be.
I can speak mostly about Jamaica, and from my experience in Kingston. For now, that’s my world. So write I will, using my pen name ShaqAttack, after all it’s an open expression, sharing if you will from my mind in this my column.
My real name for those who may ask is Shakeil Grant. I am a normal, healthy teen who loves music, to be entertained and sports outside of my school work hours. I am taller than six feet and so of course, I could not escape playing basketball. Ahhh yes that’s so much fun.
So join me if you dare to accept the challenge of Shakattack, yours truley. Here are a few topics?
Why do Jamaican parents stifle their kids?
Why do Jamaican kids feel imprisoned by their parents?
Why do adults argue? There seems to be so MUCH passion!
Where are the latest hot spots for us Jamaican teens to vent?
Sex, sex, sex and more sex as Jamaican teenagers see it?
What’s with the Jamaican church and pastors?
Jamaican law as average teens see and understand it?
Who protects the criminal lawyers, especially if they loose the case?
Learning and getting higher education in Jamaica!
Jamaican fathering style and methods!
My column will explore raw culture and expression of Jamaica, through the eyes of a teen so you know I’ll be sharing on some of the latest styles, slangs and dresscodes, and yes, dance codes too?
Can’t tell you all now – CAN I? You just have to stay connected to see where I’ll be next, which book is the next best thing, or the newest movie and dance craze.
Until my next column. Meantime, if there is something YOU’D want me to write on. Hit me up at my email, and I’ll see how I can!
Feel free to email and rap with Shak, or post your comments or question below!
Interesting note::
Shakattack comes form Shakti. See meaning at THIS LINK!
Author Profile
- is currently attending Calabar High school. I write on current events, what's hip, what's not. I have no speciality, but on behalf of all teenagers and all who would love to be 'forever young' I explore all that makes one's adrenalin flow, what inspires us as Jamaicans especially and keeps us upbeat. So step up and stay connected as I roam around and write for your eyes only. Hit me here!
Latest entries
Teen talkAugust 13, 2011Shakattack on Great great Grand Gala 2011 for Jamaica
Teen talkAugust 12, 2011Entering the realm of Jamaica’s Shakattack!