Dear Jamaican Herbalist,
I live in St. Ann, Jamaica, but find it hard to find essential oils such as mango seed oil and hemp seed oil etc. Do u know of any stores in Kingston, Mandeville or St. Ann where I could possibly find such oils or hear butter? Some help would really be appreciated.
Ola Grange
Dear Ola Grange,
Oils can be bought at selected stores in Kingston. Please bear in mind that hemp seed oil is produced from the illegal hemp on the island, which makes it illegal. There are also members of our team who produce and offer oils for a fee. Write to [email protected] soonest.
Jamaican Herbalist
Author Profile
- .... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here
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Hi my mom needs to find a hebal doctor where are you located?
Hi Shane,
We are in Kingston. however there is a procedure as the herbalists do not come in unless scheduled. Nor can any person see them without an appointment through the office.