QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
I am trying to get a power of attorney to take over my mothers finances. Here are the facts:
My father recently passed and everything has been left to my mom. I am an only child. We live in the U.S. and my mother has very limited movements because she has chronic Rheumatoid arthritis. She is not able to travel much anymore. All her finances and retirement from England is in Jamaican Banks. I do not know exactly how much money she has in the bank, but I know she has a house that is paid off for in the Ocho Rios area.
I wish to get power of attorney because she will shortly be unable to travel to the island anymore. She is 81 years old.
Could you please let me know how much it would cost to have you prepare a Power of Attorney that could be used in Jamaica and also how much it would cost to have my name added to the house title. I would appreciate a fast reply as we are getting ready to travel to Jamaica in July to try and tie up loose ends and to get my name put on her accounts. However, I think a power of attorney is a better way to go. Thanks in advance for your help.
In regards to the power of attorney, the fees for drafting, registering a general and technical instrument can only be discussed via email and possibly with the attorney who will assume your contract.
For adding your name, research needs to be done on for example the title, survey data, the taxes owed. Once thats checked further information will be shared.
Attornies charge varied retainer fees. However the form is available for you to complete with guidance and then you need to consider it being physically submitted.
Legal Wiz
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