QUESTION: Dear Legal wiz,
My aunt lives in the States. She has Alzheimer for over 15 years. I am trying to get a TRN for her ( as asked by L.A.M.P.) to get a title for her land. Her son has power-of-attorney. How does he go about this? His name is also on the title.
Lue Lue
RESPONSE: Dear Lue Lue,
Thank you for writing in. Your information provided is sketchy. However it seems that you are trying to obtain a Jamaican Tax Registration Number (TRN) for your aunt who has no capacity to even sign for herself. It also appears that her son has power-of-attorney document, but this needs to be examined to understand what he entitled to do on her behalf. As soon as you can ascertain who has legal authority to do transactions on your aunt’s behalf, that person can provide you with a letter to apply for the TRN on her behalf.
It seems you are trying to acquire the TRN for purposes of obtaining a title, but you seem to be saying that your aunt’s son’s name is already on the title. Further information is needed to acquire efficient information to assist you..Please speak with the LAMP representative for clarification and contact us again if the instructions are still unclear.
Legal WizPhoto by IRS EIN
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