QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
I have a TRN established I believe in 04, how can I get confirmation on date issued and number?
Fitz Riley
RESPONSE: Dear Fitz Riley,
Your question seems a bit vague. However, if assuming you are trying to retrieve your tax registration number, if you do have one, you are advised to submit your name and a valid ID to be given that information. If you are not in Jamaica, you should get the assistance of someone who can ably represent you.
All the best!. .
Legal Wiz
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i would like to retrieve my tax regrestion number am living oversease
You can retreive your TRN online, but you cannot collect your actual card without a physical visit.
how do I retrieve my trn online
@ LASH on ‘I need to retrieve TRN…’, 2019/04/13 at 2:26 pm: Thanks for writing. Relax as we post a response online.