In Jamaica a name error on someone’s Tax Registration Number (TRN) card can be corrected!
QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
I have been using my Tax Registration Number (TRN) card for sometime now. Yesterday however when I went to Western Union to send cash from Kingston to Negril, they told me to have my name which is spelt incorrectly corrected. Can this be done?
Ken Sharpe
LEGAL WIZ: Dear Ken Sharpe,
Your name can be corrected on your Tax Registration Number (TRN) card. You must visit the office and fill out the relevant form. You will need to bring a national id plus your birth certificate. The old birth certificate can still be used, if it is stamped to the back.
All the best!
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As of the time of this writing (January 2021) You do not have to visit the TRN office, the relevant forms are available at The forms may be notarized and mailed to the Taxpayer Registration Centre.
@ BLAQUEINQUE January 11, 2021: Good day and thanks for writing in. Your input is appreciated. Please note however, that while you may not need to visit the TRN office to get a number, a physical visit is needed to collect the actual card within six weeks from date of application.