YOUR COURT: Lawyer gets lessons on Parish Court proceedings from Judge

A lawyer who recently turned up to represent a client got lessons from a Parish Judge recently.
In defence to a claim for outstanding rent, on behalf of his client, the attorney turned up to argue that the Plaintiff in fact had owed the Defendant. At that hearing he sought to secure an order for sums he claimed would have been the balance after the outstanding rent would have been deducted.
The sums he argued were owed to the Defendant for injury she sustained while a tenant.
However the Parish Judge would not hear any of the explanation declaring that the claim he raise was ‘not before the Court’.
Simply put the attorney needed to have filed the documents and claim well in advance, and served same on the Plaintiff. This is based on the rules and procedures of the parish court.
In his favour however, the Parish Judge allowed another date to provide the opportunity to set the claim or counterclaim for that matter straight.
Legal Wiz

The above does not constitute legal advice, but are articles by inhouse senior journalists after research and discussion with attorneys-at-law and other specialists. Names are sometimes changed by request of the clients.

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