Jamaica traffic ticket travesty on the run

Webmasters Make $$$ DEAR EDITOR, OVER THE past few days, tax offices have been teeming with thousands of motorists rushing to pay outstanding tickets before the amnesty expired. Many complained that they had attended court and had been exonerated or they had paid the fines and their names were still on the traffic authority’s website as having outstanding tickets. A tax office official admitted on television that they had no way of verifying these complaints as there was no link between the tax office records and the courts. But almost…

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‘Don’t mess with Jamaica Press!’

Ian Boyne, GLEANER Contributor If you are a person struggling to make ends meet and you feel you have been personally hurt and treated unfairly by our media, what avenues of redress do you have, besides taking out a lawsuit or hoping (no guarantee) for a brief letter to the editor to be published? If you are a public official who has been unfairly, prejudicially and consistently misrepresented in media, suffering damage to your hard-fought reputation, should you really have to wait for years for a libel case to be…

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