If you think plastic surgeons arent artists – watch this

The first successful partial face transplant was carried out in 2005 in France, on a 38-year-old woman who had been mauled by her dog. The world’s first full face transplant was performed in Spain in 2010.

Richard Lee Norris's face before accident and after transplant

Now in 2012 US plastic surgeons perform a successful full face transplant, considered the most extensive to date. Amazing.

37-y-o Richard Lee Norris of Hillsville, Virginia, received a full face transplant including jaws, teeth, and tongue at the University of Maryland Medical Centre in a marathon 36-hour operation. He his nose and lips and was left with limited mouth movement after severe injury in a gun accident in 1997 result.
“Our goal is to restore function as well as have aesthetically pleasing results,” says Dr Eduardo Rodriguez.


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