QUESTION: Dear Jamaican Herbalist,
I have ovarian cysts growing bigger. Can I use natural herbs to reduce them?
RESPONSE: Dear Salima,
Of course there are herbs to reduce ovarian cysts. For the record, cysts, or fluid-filled sacs, develop on the surface of the ovaries, and are quite common. When using natural herbs to reduce cysts, the herbalist will recommend 3-6 weeks of intake.
It is also very important to pay attention to your diet. More cheese products or meat often result in more risks for ovarian cysts occurrences. Choose wisely and include more fruits, vegetables, garlic, legumes, whole grains or adapt a vegetarian diet in order to reduce or rid the cysts. Above all, watch your sugar and flour intake. Minimising the consumption of these two assists in the healing process of your body, by allowing it to rebalance itself.
Here’s a list of useful herbs:
Bee Pollen: Overall support and strengths.
Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-casta): For ceturies, Vitex has been used to restore hormonal balance. It’s common in remedies for cysts, menopause symptoms and other hormonal imbalances.
Black Cohosh: Powerful menstrual regulator and hormone balancing herb.
Dandelion: Liver cleanse.
Dog Blood Bush: purging
Milk thistle: Cleansing.
Red Clover: Red clover has similar effects to estrogen and so is great for hormonal imbalances.
Wild Yam: Hormonal balancing.
The following are great on their own, or can be combined with Bach Flower according to Australian herbalist, Robert McDowell.
Wild Oats
Red Chestnut
Check out A-Z guide to herbs on the Herbal Encyclopedia website.
Author Profile
- .... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here
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