You could be on business, vacation or need a chill in the hills.
STAY short term in Red Hills, Jamaica WI. A room is available for short staying guests, students or embassy representatives in cool Red Hills of Kingston, Jamaica. The monthly fee is J$26,000 negotiable. Please call 876-530-5744 or send private email to [email protected] . Longer stays can be arranged.
YOU GET: Own entrance, Separate large room, hot water, internet, ideal bedroom furniture, television, cable, closet space, access to public transport.
YOU SHARE: Kitchen, dining, large yard, parking space, fruit trees, lovely view of Kingston, washing facilities (incl machine), sewing machine, computer NB: You share these with small family… amicable couple (trained in hospitality and tourism) and 2 small quiet girls.
- You may arrange cooking for you
- You may arrange private transport
- You may arrange to get culture package
- You may arrange to get language classes
- You may arrange tutorship in selected subjects
- You may arrange for the study desk
- You may arrange private workshops
Author Profile
Hi, I represent the Suite Jamaica Gallery of Fine Arts, now at several locations across Jamaica and on to world spots. Spots include Gran Bahia Principe, local banks, private homes, real estate offices. I mostly tell what is happening with this gallery, arts, as it relates to the island and visitors. Artist, client or no.. come aboard - we're always expecting you. In the meantime stay connected read all about it here in this section!
Link me here
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