US Pastor quits on God, now on PATH

US Minister Ryan Bell threw in the towel on the Christian faith at the end of 2014, after he claimed to have tried existing “without God”.
Now he is quoted in Yahoo news as saying “”I think before I wanted a closer relationship to God and today I just want a closer relationship with reality.”
What’s more he now thinks certainty is overrated, as his biggest lesson during the one year challenge was that “people very much value certainty and knowing and are uncomfortable saying that they don’t know.”
In his new lifestyle Bell wont be an atheist. Atheism is like an awkward misfit says Bell who tried that route. His days will be spent serving the homeless through PATH programme.
Bell told NPR’s Arun Rath that he just didnt come across any case/argument that convinced him that God exists during his one year challenge to live without God. This aside from his personal loss of faith.
Interestingly since he took the challenge at the start of 2014 to ‘exist without God’, he has documented everything in a blog, while he claims he is being more in touch with reality.
Pastor’s year without God at this address

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