Sometimes on an island as picturesque as Jamaica, it’s time to stop the music, pause action and just chill amidst the island’s natural beauty. Other times it’s time to combine the two.

The thought of attending “Moving Mountains” in the peaceful Strawberry Hill of Kingston, St. Andrew on any day is more than relaxing.
Especially for music lovers who attended the recent 3-day all-inclusive event, which was every bit electrifying, as Kevin Bourke and his team promised. On Sunday, March 21, the final day, this was evidenced by the warmth of the patrons. Some or most if not all opted to just idling away, lyming in different spots, having danced away the previous nights. Others were all too eager to speak about the previous two days.

You might have been turned off, day or night, at the entrance, by the neverending staircase, which proved challenging for the physically unfit. However, the loud thumping sound of electronic music pulsating through your body, soon moved your legs to climb them – the first mountain.
There were also three friendly young ladies placing entrance bands on the patrons for this exclusive event, erasing anxieties with their physical attraction. By the fully stocked bar a nice cold drink awaited all.
Finally, at the top of the hill there was a wide plateau of green, breathtakingly decorated, and surrounded by a panoramic view of the mountainous region. Together it was the ideal carpet of sheer art to pulsate warm vibrations throughout the heart.
The music takes you towards dancefloor
Author Profile
- You may see me around in Kingston from time to time, fewer times on the North Coast. Humans, especially my fellow Jamaicans fascinate me. I plan events such as parties, and as a producer I am the man behind VOICE entertainers. I am on this site because from my involvement I contribute articles, photographs and videos. All to assist in making others especially internationally more aware of our uniqueness as Jamaicans. Link me here
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Music notesMarch 26, 2010Lots of ‘Fun in the Son’
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