Godfather of Dancehall, Sugar Minott dies

Almost a year after King of Pop Michael Jackson died at 50, Godfather to Dancehall Barrington “Sugar” Minott dies at 54.
Dancehall becoming the latest craze, reflecting Jamaica culture, is said to be a deritive of Reggae and likewise is indegenious to Jamaica.
Minott who’s defined by most as the Godfather of Dancehall died Saturday evening (July 10, 2010) at the University Hospital of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. Earlier this year Mr. Minott was diagnosed with the severe heart condition Angina Pectoris, but it’s still not known if his recent illness is to be blamed for the cause of his death.

Best of support to his daughter, Fire Pashon, other members of his family and close friends.


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