Whether you are in Jamaica or abroad, hopefully the buzz on your lips will be “I am the Change”. At least if you want to move past the past, frustrations, challenges and see the better good of ole time Jamaica renewed.
For sure, one actor has.
Winston “Bello” Bell through “I am the Change” a group originating on Facebook has begun in an energetic way. The actor, comedian and pastor has, in less than a month, influenced just over 500 membership registrations to this group to mobilise change in Jamaica and among
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Good day: I would please like a contact number for Pastor Winston “Bello” Bell..
To whom it may concern
I have a friend who is need for prayer. She has made attempts to
Follow pastor bell on facebook.
I would be so grateful if I can receive a email address or contact number
So I can pass over.
I look forward to receiving a reply in the very near future.
Many thanks
Thank you so much replying back to my email, so much appreciated
My email address is: [email protected]
My contact number for: 07940 529 897.
Many thanks
Patricia patterson
Hi.. his church is on Three Miles..