Beenie has two-in-one celebration in New York

A week after Beenie Man received his visa to travel again to the US, promoters Irish and Chin are throwing him a celebration fit for the ‘dancehall’ king. Set for Saturday, August, 20 in Amazura, Irish and Chin’s spectacular fete for Beenie Man will serve as a welcome back and earthstrong celebration wrapped in one. Moreover, it’s a way for Dancehall’s top promotions team to formally say thank you to the “King of the Dancehall” for his hard work in the industry and reliable support of the Irish and Chin brand over the years.

Guaranteed to be a star-studded affair that lives up to the Irish and Chin standard, “Beenie Man Birthday Bash” will be filled with great music, excitement and a slew of celebrity guests. In addition to extending an invitation to the entertainer’s scores of die hard fans in the New York tri-state area, Irish and Chin has confirmed the attendance of some of Beenie’s closest friends, industry players and others who have played a role in his U.S. career. This birthday bash will not feature a performance by the DJ, as he has not yet received a work visa. Never-the-less, patrons should anticipate thrilling performances from special guests.

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