ART CRITICISM: Four stages of art criticism for Jamaicans

Jamaican artist and writer Anthea McGibbon discusses the four stages of art criticism for Jamaicans – critical to language art skills, nation growth

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I will miss Pablo Pinero

Thanks to the Jesus daSilva former Ambassador from Spain to Jamaica and the Bahia Principe team I had a chance to meet Sir Pablo Pinero. What impressed me most is his appreciation for the Arts. So deep his appreciation was that a visit to the hotel provides an almost spiritual connection to Pinero who played a pivotal role in selecting the works of art displayed. The architectural design of the Bahia Principe is an entirely different height. Pinero died on Friday, September 1. He is the founder and president of…

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Check out Jamaica’s top visual artists

How many of Jamaica’s visual artists do YOU KNOW? Do you have any artwork by any Jamaican artist? Here’s your chance in 2017 as Jamaica turns 55. Seize the opportunity and visit galleries and exhibitions. Some prefer to contact the artists direct, instead of their agents, and you can do so. Search this site for contacts of some artists.

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