Editorial team of www.antheamcgibbon.com


The site is ideal for news, reviews and more on the creative industry of Jamaica. There is also a new area being reported on – law – on this site by the www.antheamcgibbon.com team members.

Team members, with their area of specialty provide meaningful coverage and input on a wider variety of the Arts and law existing and ever expanding as Jamaicans explore the global market.

The site is uniquely dedicated to release art news, exposing hidden gems from literary, performing, culinary, visual Arts and law. In addition select support services for artists and artistes such as web page content development and design, artist(es) representation, can be had.

There are times especially in peak seasons when two or more culturally-related activities are taking place, providing a challenge for the only two writers, who also double as photographers to attend. There are more plays, books for reviews for example.

There is also need to provide expert guidance and detailed papers from expert professionals relating to the fields such as from a legal or business angle. This especially for those who use the site for research, or, guidance.

The reports and reviews are written on arts and culture, by practitioners who are involved or practicing themselves, or relating fields.

That aside, in the face of global market, where it is the shared belief that Jamaican and Caribbean nationals belong at its apex, it is necessary to have representatives who can bridge the gaps.

This is especially necessary, as the team also provides relevant news to at least three international media houses.

Anthea McGibbon, who for 13.5 years has been working at the Caribbean’s leading newspaper, in 2009, dedicated herself to providing full art news. Additionally she is an arts and communications consultant, having much trained and experienced knowledge in the expressions, visual, performing, and literary. Her other areas of trained experience include paralegal.

Her experienced knowledge includes modelling, choreographer, editor, features writer, and co-ordinator, publicist, photographer, weddings and other events, photojournalist, event planning, graphic design, painting, marketting, public relations over a 20-year period.

On the team are the professionals (see their profile on their articles) who maintain their individual professions are:

LLOYD STANBURY (Attorney for entertainers)

DEPORTEE (journalist)

KARL VERNON (publicist) | Honed in the media, as a journalist… Karl rises to make the face of artists/artistes public, as a publicist!See more

KRISTEN BROWN (events planner)


DWANE FORBES (photographer, paralegal)

Karl Vernon

P GAVIN JAMES (writer, graphic designer)


The site and its members provides articles for mediahouses, without replacing any.

Anthea McGibbon is dedicated to exposing the Heart, Arts and Culture of Jamaica. Team members strive to cover all varied art expressions through reviews, commentaries, interviews, and tips you can use.

To read exciting contributions by our writers, you can either choose categories from the drop down menu or select by month, then click your article of interest to read from individual pages. You can also search through our monthly archives listed on the right of this page.

If you would love to have your cultural event or project featured, please contact us at (412-9766) or Kingston representative (797-7297). You may also send an email to [email protected]. Keep connected!! One World, One Love!


Author Profile

... refers to representatives of entities such as embassies, entertainment industry, creative force whose submitted work gets published on this site. Views expressed here may not necessarily represent those of the owner of this site, but are being published in the interest of the wider public. Link me here

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