When I think of all I’ve been through, I am grateful thast God has been my source of strength. I admire Him as my strentgh, and now in him all cultures originated.
I now see things different and accept my own strengths embodied in me.
I live to ensure others understand themselves and their culture and their inner strengths.
I write from Maryland, where I live and graduated from DC’s Howard University.
I hope you enjoy and find your tower.
Its your inner culture, as out of many across the world we are one!
Author Profile
My name is Deltoria Gallant and my mission, through words, actions, and my life, is to help change the lives of women like me here in America, in Jamaica and around the world. I was born in Washington D.C., the U.S. capital city, but my connection to Jamaica run deep. My parents both immigrated to D.C. from Jamaica in the 70's, but have given me a strong sense of heritage through an education both here in America and on the Island. I attended Howard University School of Business with a Major in International Business. I am now studying Hospitality Management at Prince Georges College in Largo, MD and I am currently developing my Event Planning Firm "Empress Zeal." I am committed to OAaSIS International foundation and excited to network with others who enjoy working for the cause.
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General categoryFebruary 6, 2010From the Empress