We are not abstract beings. We are not set apart; but, we are a part of that which is whole. We are that individual molecule which is needed to make the whole function, – to make the whole complete. Yet, we are pulled asunder by the need to stand out, – to be the individual.
We are an imperfect mass (The being) in pursuit of that which fulfills. Whimsical lumps of clay relentlessly hunting, so to capture that which explains all. However, all searches are wrapped up in childish dreams which refuse to diffuse; or, is it that we are the ones that choose to not let go.
The conclusion is we cannot find completion by pursuing our own selfish desires an epiphany which is only revealed to the ‘beautiful’ ones. But pursue we will, although truth has been revealed that we chase after wind that can only be felt but not held, cannot be contained. Hence we only pursued a pursuit that will only eat at our beings as we crave for that which we cannot, that which, will not be had, as God reveals not his secret to man. He only reveals himself
Author Profile
I am a graduate of the Social Studies Faculty of the University of the West Indies (Political Science Major with knowledge in International Relations Studies). I am in love with my country and its people, and as a member of the creative industry, I believe in the skills of Caribbean nationals. Aside from contributing my writings to this site, I plan events especially entertainment, arts and culture related. I also do event promotions and media relations.
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