Beauty with a purpose, let’s respect, let’s celebrate

I am celebrating beauty with a purpose. The almost winning of the Miss Universe pageant by our own Yendi Phillips has resulted in the resurfacing of the debate on beauty pageants. At this moment I will take the time out to congratulate Miss Philips on her superb work in Las Vegas. There has been much talk on whether beauty pageants demean women. Of course, it will always be an ongoing debate, so I want to put my two cents in.

Miss Jamaica Universe Yendi Phillips in swimsuit

I believe beauty pageants are not superficial and do not demean women. Why would persons believe beauty pageants demean women? Some persons say it is subjected to the physical attributes of women.

My question is, are not women subjected to the scrutiny of their physical appearance out of the arena of a beauty pageant daily, with less or no attention given to their intelligence? Maybe this talk of beauty pageants being demeaning is just

Author Profile

I am a graduate of the Social Studies Faculty of the University of the West Indies (Political Science Major with knowledge in International Relations Studies). I am in love with my country and its people, and as a member of the creative industry, I believe in the skills of Caribbean nationals. Aside from contributing my writings to this site, I plan events especially entertainment, arts and culture related. I also do event promotions and media relations.
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