Jamaica Guinea Hen weed needed for HIV, cancer patients

QUESTION: Dear Jamaican Herbalist,
I am a sonopunture specialist and naturopathic doctor. I need to obtain guinea hen weed to use with some special seeds. We discovered they both work well together to rid our patients of HIV and cancer.

We also seek cerassee as that helps too.
Dr PM (please do not use my real name unless it is for new patients)
Certified Sonopuncturist, Naturopath Doctor

Dear Dr PM,
Thanks for communicating with our team. Your site’s information is amazing.
As per our conversation, we can send you a portion of the Guinea Hen Weed to use with the seeds on your HIV and cancer patients, as you now do with success. Congratulations!
Please realise that the cerasse herb is known to hide not cure symptoms of some conditions.
Please email us for details.

Jamaica Herbalist

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.... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here

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