At the risk of…. popularising a culture such as this…
I am posting this photo reference on this site. I remember once being told by a prominent Jamaican businessman that 1 in every 3 women I see on the roads, is a lesbian. He told me he was speaking from experience, and this was over nine years ago. I sometimes wonder if there is any truth to this, especially when I have occasion to visit a night club ad see women dancing with each other.
Now this post — two women doing something that seems too intimate to even describe. Its way too interesting that within minutes of stumbling across this post, literally hundreds of Jamaica pushed the number of reactions to well over 2,000. Needless to say the number of shares.
What’s interesting is the comments and what they reflect about lil Jamaica and her society nestled in the Caribbean sea.

I am posting this reference, as more Jamaicans need to take a good look and real lock stock and barrel of what Jamaican culture is absorbing – what the lifestyle that is being populated.
Sex and sexual explorations is becoming the norm. The youth who we strive to protect are much more exposed and advanced than Aunt Clarissa, Uncle Gem in their time, and even now.
I thought it could be an innocent kiss, but for the detailed comments in reaction to the act, whether the actual participants are Jamaican, Ghanian or Haitian.
While few, the chosen bring and toot Biblical beliefs about it being a sign of Sodom and Gomorrah, many especially Jamaican men were all too supporting.
Truth is ADVENTURE is taking over where there is no real guidance and structure, and members of various religious sect are failing to convince on LOVE over LUST and PASSION.
If nothing else they are giving the impression that once belonging to a sect, one ought to be o so righteous, when in reality The Bible as one map to salvation speak of calling the sinners, the righteous, to repentance. So at the very least the lesson should be do not come expecting a body of purity, but a body of persons being processed into purer.
Jamaican Lesbian turns pastor at THIS LINK
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