Dutty gal gone up.. whe me a go nyam?
Unbalanced pigs feeding at the trough of dreams, sliding on their hindquarters on banana skin laced with bacon laced right into the grinding machine of taxation!
We need $21 billion dollars in taxes fi get a US$1.2 billion loan from the IMF.. what a piece a cratches!
I say tax baby formula hard – that will cut down on the many breeding- and squeeze the wet of pampers too! I can understand that one! You don’t have to have babies but you have to nyam!
Dry your onion tears and let’s for once examine this taxation babble.
Taxation is like death! Out of the dark, the Grim Reaper strikes, its sickle cut a path through the swathe of depressed people as they howl and cower in fear, unable to run, unable to repel the attacks.
Now we hear Portia and Omar making lots of noise as if they can ease the economic woes of Jamaica. Fuck ‘em too! Audley Shaw caan run him supermarket and Bruce can fall back pon his bakery!
The tax man cum Grim Reaper smashes the will of the people, freezes the thirst, poison the hunger of ordinary Jamaicans. There is no one bold enough to drive fear in the Tax man albeit he is not collecting all what he is owed anyways .
The screams and shouts of a bondage people in denial locked up in rustling hulk of this killer island supermarket.
We are being gang banged 24/7, 365 days of the year by the government. We fail to acknowledge this and we are caught in a denial! It is happening in broad daylight and we are being fucked with the lights and the TV on with the newspapers as carpet. The hysterical media with talking heads and nimble fingers rape our minds.
We are bitches to our dumpling fed intellect. We are living in a time of hysteria, economic hysteria, religious hysteria, global warming hysteria, swine flu hysteria, homicide hysteria, even hysteria about hysteria!
Audley Shaw’s Thrasonical intrusion into people’s lives is disgusting. Announcing the new taxes, it comes across as a boast, fucking us to kingdom come
When we are feeding ourselves and exporting crops and textiles and technological gadgets. We can become the home of inventors but there is no incentive to dream. You know why? Cause we are not in a peaceful sleep of existence. We are always wide awake, eyes wide shut , hence our inability to dream, we only manifest nightmare.
Jamaica needs to focus on EDUCATION and see if we can be producers of technological equipment. Our tourism is shit, our bauxite can’t bail us out , our bananas and coffee lines the pockets of a few. We need to begin to produce and sell stuff locally then expand internationally.
We need to spend less on the importation of cars and invest in rail transport to cut back on the consumption of gas. We live in a tropical clime, we have sunshine 365 days of the year-even at nights- OK,, that’s a joke, so we need to look at solar power. If we eat more what is grown here, and export the surplus then fine.
Our agriculture needs to go high tech to create a greater yield and we could begin to plant crops not endemic to Jamaica and see where we can ‘eat a food’ The complaints, the bitterness, the profiling and hype has seen us descend a slippery slope. We need to think dynamically and outside the proverbial box
The Jamaican people must be told that it is because of their greed; their gluttony; their lust; their envy, their sloth; and their wrath that’s why they are in this pickle. The last one is that we have pride in being Jamaicans but no pride whatsoever in changing our ‘bandooloo’ mentality; our work ethic ( here at home, not abroad), our discipline, and we need to change the worms in our bellies and start to eat more of what is grown here!
We need to be a more disciplined people and try turn around his automatic merry go round or else we will be dizzy drunk from it all
Dutty gal, bully beef, sardine bread, buns, bullas, biscuits and crackers, sugar, salt, eggs, patties, rolled oats and baking flour will now attract more GCT so that mean say me soon starve or me can go plant GCT quality cassava… me done chat!
Jamaica Prime Minister website
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- I specialise in media and public relations. I am experienced in subediting, pagination, feature writing. I promote Jamaica's true gems - our people, skills, culture and more that makes us unique among the world's finest. I graduated from the University of the West Indies. Here are my thoughts. Enjoy, share! Link me here or or here
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