Dear Legal Wiz,
I Anmarie Charmling, paid down $60,000 on a Jamaican property valued at $1,000,000 to a Mr Paul Petagrove several years ago. Mr Paul Petagrove is acting as power-of-attorney for property on behalf of his brother Geoffrey, owner, who originally inherited the land.
My mom has the receipt for the $60,000 paid and copies of title for the entire land owned by Geoffrey, a justice of the peace. Mr Geoffrey Petagrove, and Paul acting on his behalf, refused a further payment of J$200,000 in February 2011, based on advise from my sister. I told him she was not a party to the contract between he, his brother who owns the property and I. The bank further recorded the check as evidence of my attempt to pay more in February 2011.
Last year I sent a certified receipt notice to both brothers, and they called me afterwards —- state reason and result of phone call. I called Geoffrey in February who promised to have Paul call me to work things out further. I have not heard from either, and attempts to call them are futile. Prior to that, I did make at least two trips and met with Paul.
I have been denied any access to the land. Can you please assist me with further action?
Anmarie Charmling
Dear Anmarie,
Clearly if you do not get proper ownership of land or refund there needs to be action taken to acquire either. At this stage hiring a lawyer is not required. However in order to assist you further, more details need to be known.
Particularly information on
a. exact details of payment — day, method, to whom
b. progress status of transaction
c. reason for delay in communication
d. any challenges by brothers that may be of relevance and relating to you such as incumbences, unpaid taxes
You may hire someone to act on your behalf or the legal legwork team can ably assist you for a nominal fee.
Double checking ownership and right to sell independent of claims by SELLERs is also recommended, and, on both accounts a fee is required.
Initial expenses:
1. travelling expenses
2. labour
3. visit to parish council, tax office and titles office
Legal Wiz
The above does not constitute legal advice. Inhouse senior journalists research and discuss with specialists eg attorneys-at-law, as necessary before posting responses. In conclusion, names are changed at times by request.
For attorney-support services (including research, documentation, collections, legwork, agent, property overseer, housesitter, follow ups et al) in Jamaica you may call 876-530-5744 or 305-648-6963 or simply write to [email protected] to make private arrangements beyond the commitment of this mediahouse.
Critically the Legal Wiz networks professionals from fields in the interest of all Jamaicans and persons relating with Jamaicans.
Physical office is at Suite # 1, 3 South Avenue, Swallowfield, Kingston 5, Jamaica West Indies. Rates may apply. See more
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... a team of professional experts, mostly Jamaicans, from varied fields including as priority paralegal, investigation, research, real estate, construction, arts (literary, visual, performing, culinary) and entertainment, certified Attorneys (civil and criminal law). Information is researched, then published, on this site, in the interest of the wider public.
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