QUESTION: Dear Jamaican Herbalist,
I have read that with the right herbs and a diet excluding all meat and diary, herpes can be cured. Can you shed some light on this?
Kelly R
RESPONSE: Dear Kelly R,
We appreciate you writing in. A well balanced and proper diet is always essential to good health. Herbs taken naturally are also highly beneficial. Herpes (which has more than one type) is treated, not cured. However in recent years there has been persons claiming to having the cure. What happens in most cases is that it is so treated that the symptoms become dormant, and in some cases of no effect.
Our team has herbs that can assist in treating herpes and rendering it dormant for the remaining of your natural life.
Jamaica Herbalist.
Author Profile
- .... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here
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