Spectacular performances at Mello-Go-Roun’ 09


If one should judge by the performance, and the turnout, Mello-Go Roun

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I am a graduate of the Caribbean Media and Communication Faculty (CARIMAC) of the University of the West Indies. I believe in our Caribbean people and seek to sensitise and promote who we are through my writings, photography and and graphic design skills. Link me here

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3 Thoughts to “Spectacular performances at Mello-Go-Roun’ 09”

  1. Benjamin Brown

    This is an excellent website for people who appreciate Jamaican culture. People who like to keep abreast of cultural events……This is the perfect website for. Furthermore the reason for me entering this website (after visiting many others) was to gather info on the participants of the events. My endeavors to do so were successful.

  2. Thank You Benjamin. So glad I could be of help. May I meet the challenge of your words daily! Please always share your thoughts. Welcome!

  3. wazim

    big up to you.. am was a performer in the mannings group. and am thanking you on behave of everyone in that group on putting us in your article and praising us for our performance.. hope we can come back this year so we can entertain and educate people about our culture through our dance.

    keep up the good work

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