Love is all I bring…. in a mi full brown and ting!
Depart ye from tribal war and political affiliations as the hour nor day wherein disaster may strike is not known to any man, and therein we will realise our immediate call to be Jamaican Human Beings! For as it shall be and envisioned a new leader shall rise knowing no colour other than that of the skin of his brotherman whom he shall be called to serve. Let us therefore in prayer and supplication call for supernatural intervention regardless of colour, class, creed, former indoctrinations as we lend support to the chosen few. Rise up and make your love for Jamaica and your brotherman count in our striving for PROGRESS to achieving our potential!!!
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- ... qualified & experienced in journalism, creative writing, editing, the arts, art critique, paralegal, photography, teaching, research, event planning, motivational speaking, workshops for children and adults, visual arts etc. Click here for contact form. ...or email me here
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