Summary: The Public Affairs Section of the United States Embassy in Kingston, in association with the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the 2014 Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation program. The Fund was established in 2014 to help less developed countries preserve cultural heritage and to demonstrate U.S. respect for other cultures. The deadline for submission of proposals to the Public Affairs Section is Friday, December 13, 2013. Please read this call for proposals in full before sending any inquiries to the U.S. Embassy.
Background: In past fiscal years, the United States Congress directed the State Department to support and implement the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP). Congress noted, “Cultural preservation offers an opportunity to show a different American face to other countries, one that is non-commercial, non-political, and non-military. By taking a leading role in efforts to preserve cultural heritage, we show our respect for other cultures.” The AFCP permits U.S. Ambassadors in less-developed countries to submit proposals for one-time or recurring projects that assist other countries in preserving their cultural heritage. Grants typically range from US$10,000 to US$30,000, or more.
Guidelines and application requirements:
Proposals may include preservation projects directed at–
a) A cultural site or sites. This might include (but is not limited to):
· preservation of an archaeological or historical site, sacred place or monument
· an archaeological survey or excavation
· preservation management planning for a site or sites in a region
· public education about site or monument preservation issues.
b) An object or collection of objects from a site, a museum or similar institution. This might include (but is not limited to):
· conservation of an object or collection of objects
· creating suitable space and conditions for a collection of objects
· specialized training in the care and preservation of collections
· public education in conservation issues pertaining to objects.
c) Forms of traditional cultural expression. This might include (but is not limited to):
· recording traditional music or dance forms
· compiling a dictionary of an endangered language
· recording oral history or traditional poetry
· support for training in the preservation of traditional arts or crafts.
Application requirements:
Proposals must include the following components:
1. Proposal summary
2. Detailed description of the project and participants, including the time frame for completion (not to exceed 500 words)
3. Indication of the importance of the cultural or sacred site (or sites), object (or collection), or form of expression. All should have a close association with the history and cultural development of Jamaica
4. Indication of the urgency of the project
5. The impact of the U.S. contribution to the preservation project
6. Benefit to the advancement of US-Jamaica bilateral relations
7. Detailed budget
8. Indicate other funding sources, if any.
Strong encouragement is given to local non-U.S. Government source cost-sharing (including in-kind) from sources such as, foreign governments, international organizations and the private sector.
Nota bene:
· Funds cannot be used to support conservation or the purchase of privately owned, residential or commercial property or collections.
· Funds cannot pay for international airfare for foreign specialists.
· The proposals must be directed at specific projects that exclusively support preservation of sites or forms of traditional expression, conservation of objects or preventive conservation/preservation strategies.
· Funds cannot be applied to new construction.
· Keep in mind fluctuation of exchange rates when calculating budget and amount of the grant request.
Religious objects and sites:
Special note regarding items that have a religious connection (including objects, sites and other forms of traditional cultural expression): The establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution permits the government to include religious objects and sites within an aid program under certain conditions. For example, an item with a religious connection (including a place of worship) may be the subject of a cultural preservation grant if the item derives its primary significance and is nominated solely on the basis of architectural, artistic, historical or other cultural (not religious) criteria.
Educational Component to Project:
Due to public diplomacy priorities, we request that projects include an educational outreach component in the project description of proposals for this year’s Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation. Applicants are requested to develop initiatives, where possible, that will involve school children (elementary through high school) in some aspect of the preservation project (if funded). The aim is to make them aware that their heritage is important but fragile and in need of preservation; that the U.S. is demonstrating its respect for their cultural heritage by supporting the particular preservation project; that they are the future stewards of their heritage. Different preservation projects will lend themselves differently to outreach initiatives. The following are suggestions only.
Suggestions for outreach to school children:
– invite local school children to attend the Ambassador’s inauguration of the project and recognize their attendance
– sponsor class field trips to visit the museum collection, archaeological site or historic building where the project is underway
– printed flyers about the project that could be used in class
– age-appropriate lesson plans and hands-on activities
– presentations (i.e. traditional music, dance; or PowerPoint) at the schools
– regular column in the local paper with the story of the project (historical significance, updates on progress of the project, local people involved)
Any outreach initiative should make clear the U.S. role in the particular preservation project.
Application procedures:
All applications MUST be submitted via email (Microsoft Word attachment) no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2013 with the subject heading to read “Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation 2014” to: [email protected]
The new application system requires completion of ALL COMPONENTS of the new application form that is attached.
The Public Affairs Section reviews Jamaican proposals for eligibility. The United States Ambassador to Jamaica makes an official recommendation for funding to the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. ECA administers the Ambassador’s Fund and carries out the selection process in consultation with the Offices of Budget and Planning and the Legal Adviser. Funds are authorized for selected proposals that are recommended by the Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs.
For additional information
Information on previous awards is available from the AFCP website:
Information sources for organizations wishing to learn more about conservation and preservation of cultural resources:;
Reporting requirement:
Successful grantees must submit an interim performance report by June 1, 2014, and a fina
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