We must almost remember that everything has it’s season, so pass through your stress, endure the test, and step into your new season of joy in the morning time. Many times we fail to wait on God while He is preparing us to receive our blessings. So we rush in and find ourselves unequally yoked with Mr. All Wrong. But if we keep the faith and can endure long enough for God to remove the present distraction, we will be renewed in glory.
The word of God says, “Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we may ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Trust me, as children of the most high God, we are more than conquers… glory to God.
Author Profile
Drew L. Hinds, Jr. is a driven young man of Jamaican decent, whose inner being radiates passion and a deep level of insight. Drew operates as mentor, a songwriter, vocalist, freelance photographer, self-taught pianist. As an author he self published his debut book Don’t Spoil Your Appetite, Volume 1, Good Man For Sale ( a guide to women) ). He is also the editor, graphic designer and co-founder of Desk Ink Publishing. For his books, link up at http://www.amazon.com/Drew-L-Hinds/e/B007SP1OEG
Click here to contact Drew. ...or email me here
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