QUESTION: Dear Mystic Man,
I am trying to have a baby, but cant. Maybe my tubes are blocked. I hear Jamaican bush is good. Which ones can I get to use to help me?
Carla Jo Thomas
Dear Carla Jo
In Jamaica women are given bitterwood and rice bitters combined to clean the system and improve fertility status in women. Otherwise some use the duppy gun bush and medina to assist them with having babies.
Mystic Man
Users are being reminded that Stoneman, the mystic man is not a trained medical doctor, but a herbalist by experience and practice. This recommendation is to be followed at the users risk, and a medical doctor should be consulted especially if you are on prescribed medication.
Author Profile
- At my culture yard, Revelation Rock, in Clarendon everyone is invited to learn about stones and herbs and living healthy naturally. As a respected mystic man and herbalist, I consult on varied topics especially herbs and the Rastafarian faith, although not a medical doctor. Link me here
can you drink the dog blood with shame o macka while seeing your period
Of course you can Shana!
dear mystic man
I have been trying to get pregnant for my boyfriend or three years now and failed. I have went to the doctor and did some check ups and the result I got was that every thing is perfect and I still cant get pregnant please tell me what I can use to conceive.