In Proverbs 31 it says, “Who can find a virtuous woman?” This verse establishes that a woman should be found. Further in the chapter a virtuous woman later is defined as a woman that fears the Lord. Therefore, a woman that fears the Lord should be found. OK, the verse says also mentioned “who can find…” So this is God’s way of being sarcastic. Basically, a man of himself can not find a “woman that fears the Lord” by himself…. He needs to first know God for himself and then he will be lead by the spirit to find her.
It’s funny, now a days, I truly believe the saying, and “It takes one to know one.” If you want Mr. Right, then you yourself must have similar traits that may appeal to a good man. It’s funny that women fail to understand that good men are hard to find simply, because the women looking for them aren’t where they need to be with God.
So ladies up grade yourselves spiritually and a man will come. In fact, you won’t have to look for him, he will find you .
Author Profile
Drew L. Hinds, Jr. is a driven young man of Jamaican decent, whose inner being radiates passion and a deep level of insight. Drew operates as mentor, a songwriter, vocalist, freelance photographer, self-taught pianist. As an author he self published his debut book Don’t Spoil Your Appetite, Volume 1, Good Man For Sale ( a guide to women) ). He is also the editor, graphic designer and co-founder of Desk Ink Publishing. For his books, link up at
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