TESTIMONIALS on antheamcgibbon.com site: Thanks Herbalist

More TESTIMONIALS from clients and readers continuing from the Testimonial page… READ ON! Thanks from Clients: THANKS TO JAMAICA HERBALIST from Nekisha, Negril: Thanks Jamaica Herbalist. NEKISHA, in Jamaica says about Legal Wiz (APRIL 2014) Thanks Jamaican Herbalist. Just want you to know I am PREGNANT! Can I stop taking the herbs now? ………….SHOW YOU CARE……………………. NEW: YOU CAN NOW MAKE DONATIONS: Click below Its your turn to show appreciation for advice and our hard efforts to answer your queries by donating. Any amount is acceptable….

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THOT: Kevin Berry on “We are all products”

The Thought of the day… We are all by products, just as molasses is to sugar; kerosene is to gasoline;so are we to our parents. Procreation is vital in sustaining humanity and love serves a similar purpose. Love yourself and each other be a beacon of hope for those in need for benevolence is rewarded by god. Free yourself from the encumbrance of hate, envy and grudge…be blessed and allow god to take control. – Kevin Berry

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Labour Day photo contest in JA

Labour Day Photo Contest To enter: Follow us on twitter @USEmbassyJA and like our U.S. Embassy Jamaica facebook page. Post a photo and description of your Labour Day activity to twitter with the tag #labourdayvolunteer. The U.S. Embassy will post the 3 most inspiring photos to our facebook page and our fans will vote for their favorite photo. The person whose photo receives the highest number of likes and retweets will win an ipad! Entries must be submitted by midnight Monday, May 26. The lucky winner will be announced on…

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I switched from prescription to herbs.. help!

QUESTION: Dear Jamaican Herbalist, A pleasant evening to you. I want to get pregnant but its not happening. I cry daily. I went to the doctor who recommend I do some tests, which says I am not ovulating. He prescribed climid, at least I think that’s what the name is. I have taken two sets already and have a third set to take but I decide not to. So I boil dog blood, guinea hen weed and vervine which I drank for seven days. I believe my period is now…

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