‘Paint-by-Numbers’ Dan Robbins dies at 93

The artist who made it virtually possible for children of all ages grow up believing in their ability to paint has died. What’s more, he is perhaps the most exhibited artist worldwide with these creations.

Dan Robbins, influenced by Leonardo da Vinci’s numbering system made valid input in Paint-by-numbers kit died last Monday, April 1, 2019 in Sylvania, Ohio.
The kits were introduced in the mid 1950s after World War 2 when he worked for Palmer Paints.
Quotes from his own autobiography includes “I remembered hearing about how Leonardo da Vinci would challenge his own students or apprentices with creative assignments.” … “He would hand out numbered patterns indicating where certain colors should be used in specific projects such as underpainting, preliminary background colors or some lesser works that did not require his immediate attention.”
At Palmers Robbins introduced his own compositions, then found innovative ways to guide children on how to paint beautiful designs by number and colour keys.

His work which was dismissed by some critics is celebrated in the critics but later celebrated by the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History.


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